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Placement JavaScript to HTML File


Placement JavaScript to HTML File

There is a flexibility given to include JavaScript code anywhere in an HTML document.

However the most preferred ways to include JavaScript in an HTML file are as follows −

Script in <head>...</head> section.

Script in <body>...</body> section.

Script in <body>...</body> and <head>...</head> sections.

Script in an external file and then include in <head>...</head> section.

In the following section, we will see how we can place JavaScript in an HTML file in

 different ways.

JavaScript in <head>...</head> section

If you want to have a script run on some event, such as when a user clicks somewhere, then

 you will place that script in the head as follows –

Javascript Code



Before clicking Click me button the output is-

After clicking Click me button the output is-


JavaScript in <body>...</body> section

If you need a script to run as the page loads so that the script generates content in the

 page, then the script goes in the <body> portion of the document. In this case, you

 would not have any function defined using JavaScript. 

JavaScript Code


JavaScript Code



After Click on Click me Button

JavaScript in <body> and <head> Sections

You can put your JavaScript code in <head> and <body> section altogether.

Javascript Code


JavaScript in External File

As you begin to work more extensively with JavaScript, you will be likely to find that

there are cases where you are reusing identical JavaScript code on multiple pages of a


You are not restricted to be maintaining identical code in multiple HTML files.

The script tag provides a mechanism to allow you to store JavaScript in an external file

and then include it into your HTML files.

Javascript Code

This Code save it files name.js

And Put the link own this Code.


First Look this View

Click on Try it Button that view saying

Placement JavaScript to HTML File Reviewed by ADcomputercampus on February 28, 2024 Rating: 5

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