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CSS Image Gallery


CSS Image Gallery

CSS image gallery is a collection of images that is displayed using CSS. CSS

 can be used to control the layout of the images, their size, spacing, and

 other visual properties.

CSS image galleries are commonly used on websites to display products,

 portfolios, or other visual content in a visually appealing way.


The following example shows a simple image gallery layout that is displayed in a row.

CSS Code


Responsive Image Gallery with a Hover Effect

You can make a simple and effective image gallery with a hover effect. When

 the user hovers over an image, it will become larger and have a red border

 added to it.


CSS Code



Image Gallery using Media Query

You can use CSS media queries to create a responsive image gallery that

 scales and rearranges its content based on the screen width, providing an

 optimal viewing experience on different devices and screen sizes. On smaller

 screens, the images will be wider and more spaced apart.


CSS Code



Ex 1.

In the Style section, which found in the <head> of the web page, we defined

 the gallery’s properties, including the images’ margins, borders, widths,

 heights, and even what happens.

CSS Code



Ex 2.

In The <Body> Part of the web page, you can then define each image,

 including where the image link to and what text goes in their description, all

 within the <div> element. In this basic example, clicking an image in the

 gallery opens a Full Version of those images in a new Tab.

CSS Code



CSS Image Gallery Reviewed by ADcomputercampus on February 21, 2024 Rating: 5

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