Bill Wise Accounting in Tally Prime
Bill Wise Accounting in Tally Prime
Method of Adjustment
1) Against Reference
3) New Reference
4) On Account
This reference is used when we pass receipt entries or payment entries against the
references created at the time of passing of
original entries such as sales and purchase.
I have to pay your three bills; one of them is Rs 75000,
which I am paying now.
आपके तीन बिल का पेमेंट करना
है उनमे से एक बिल
75000 रुपये का है जिसका
पेमेंट में अभी कर रहा हूँ।
This reference is used when any amount is received in advance for any services rendered
or for any outward supplies of goods is made or when any amount is paid in advance for
purchases to be made at the future date.
I want 1 piece of Sony TV 20..... I will give you 10,000 advances now, you send me the
TV, I will come in 2-4 days and pay the rest.
मुझे Sony TV 20 का 1 नग चाहिये..... मैं अभी आपको 10,000 एडवांस दे देता हूँ, आप मुझे TV भिजवा दीजिए,
2-4 दिन में आकर बाकी का पेमेंट कर दूंगा।
This is used at the time of passing sales and purchase entries which will later serve for
Against reference entries to be passed under
Sundry debtors and creditors ledger.
हमने Raj Electronics से 1 अप्रैल 2023 को Sony TV 20" के 2 नग (Number), | 21000/- प्रति नग के
हिसाब से 30 दिन की उधारी पर खरीदे,
जिसका बिल नंबर है 311 |
We bought 2 pieces (number) of Sony TV 20" from Raj Electronics on April 1, 2023, at
the rate of Rs. 21000/- per piece on credit
for 30 days, whose bill number is 311.
On Account
When we make payment or receipt voucher of a party, at that time we do not get any
reference number of that party to adjust its amount i.e. we do not see the reference
number, then we use On Account Method.
"I have to pay Rs 1,00,000 for your three bills, take
that and make a receipt."
आपके तीन बिल का 1,00,000 रु देना है वह ले लीजिए और रसीद बना दीजिए ।"
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