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Order Processing in Tally Prime


Order Processing (How to Give and Receive Order)

Order processing refers to placing orders for purchase from suppliers or receiving orders from customers for selling.

Order processing is linked to inventory. Using this you can track the order status of any stock item. Know that the order for the goods has arrived. Whether the order has been delivered on time and the reason for delay, if any.


Create a Company

Press F11 Feature

Enable Purchase Order Processing - Yes


1) Purchase     -   Purchase A/C


2) Sales            -    Sales A/C


3) Deepak and Sons -    Sundry Dr.


4) Kapil and Sons     -     Sundry Cr.



Gateway of Tally




Stock Group   - General Store

Unit of Measure    - Pcs

Stock Item     - Lux


Gateway of Tally




Stock Item




Press F12 Configuration

Provide Standard Buying and Selling Rates – Yes


Set Standard Rate – Yes

                     Stock Item: LUX

Standard Cost                                              Standard Selling Price

Applicable From   Rate Per                       Application From      Rate Per

1-Apr-2023           10pcs                              1-Apr-2023               15pcs






Show Inactive


Press Ctrl + F8 (Sales Order)

Party Name -   Deepak And Sons

Order No     -   1234

Sales Ledger -   Sale

Name of Item      Quantity        Rate       Amount

Lux                            100


Press Ctrl + F9 (Purchase Order)

Party A/C Name   -    Kapil And Sons

Order Name          -     4567

Purchase Order      -   Purchase

Name of Item    Quantity            Rate        Amount

Lux                      150


F9 Purchase Voucher

Party A/C Name - Kapil And Sons

Order No.  -  4567

Purchase Ledger   - Purchase

Name of Item     Quantity          Rate       Amount

Lux                      150                     10            1500


F8 Sale Voucher

 Party A/C Name - Deepak And Sons

Order No.            - 1234

Sales Ledger       - Sales

Name of Item    Quantity     Rate          Amount

Lux                       100           15               1500

Order Processing in Tally Prime Reviewed by ADcomputercampus on April 26, 2023 Rating: 5

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