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HTML Formatting Tag in Hindi and English


HTML Formatting Tag



<B> Element का पूरा नाम Bold है. Bold Element से Text को Bold (गहरा) किया जाता है.


<B>Element's Full Name Is Bold. Text Is Made Bold (Darkened) With Bold Element.


<B>AD Computer Campus</B>

AD Computer Campus




Big Element से Text को Normal Size से बडा करने के लिए किया जाता है.


Big Element Is Used To Make The Text Bigger Than The Normal Size.



<Big>AD Computer Campus</Big>

AD Computer Campus




इसे Center Element कहते है. इससे किसी HTML Element की Center Position को Define किया जाता है.


This Is Called The Center Element. With This The Center Position Of An HTML Element Is Defined.



<Center>AD Computer Campus</center>


AD Computer Campus




<Del> Element का पूरा नाम Delete है. Delete Element से Document से Delete Text को Define किया जाता है.

The Full Name Of The <Del> Element Is Deleting. Delete Text From Document Is Defined From Delete Element.



Font Element से Text का Font, Color और Size Define किया जाता है.

The Font, Color And Size Of The Text Are Defined By The Font Element.

Change Font Style-


<Font Face=”Times New Roman”>

AD Computer Campus


Change Font Color-


<Font Color=”Red”>

AD Computer Campus


Change Font Size-



<Font Size=”35”> or<Font Size=”+3”>

AD Computer Campus




<I> Element का पूरा नाम Italic है. इससे Text को Italic यानि तिरछा किया जाता है.

<I> The Full Name Of The Element Is Italic. With This, The Text Is Made Italic.



<I> AD Computer Campus</I>


AD Computer Campus





Mark Element से Text को Highlight किया जाता है.

Text Is Highlighted With Mark Element.



<Mark> AD Computer Campus</mark>


AD Computer Campus




<Pre> Element का पूरा नाम Preformat है. इस Element से Preformatted Text को Define किया जाता है.

The Full Name Of <Pre> Element Is Preformat. Preformatted Text Is Defined By This Element.



<Pre> AD Computer Campus</pre>

AD Computer Campus




<p>इस Element का मतलब Paragraph होता है। जिसके द्वारा हम HTML में पैराग्राफ बदल सकते है।

<p> this element means Paragraph. by which we can change the paragraph.



 Small Element से Text को Normal Size से छोटा दिखाने के लिए किया जाता है.

Small Element Is Used To Make The Text Appear Smaller Than The Normal Size.



<Small>AD Computer Education</small>

AD Computer Campus



<Strike> Element का पूरा नाम Strikethrough है. Strikethrough Element से Strikethrough Text को Define किया जाता है. इससे Text के बीछ में एक Line आ जाती है.

The Full Name Of <Strike> Element Is Strikethrough. Strikethrough Text Is Defined By The Strikethrough Element. Due To This A Line Comes In The Middle Of The Text.



<Strike>AD Computer Education</strike>

AD Computer Campus



इससे Important Text को Define किया जाता है.

With This, The Important Text Is Defined.




<Strong>AD Computer Education</strong>

AD Computer Campus



<Sub> Element का पूरा नाम Subscript होता है. <Sub> Element से Text को Subscript किया जाता है.

The Full Name Of <Sub> Element Is Subscript. Text Is Subscripted From The <Sub> Element.


H<sub>2</sub>SO<sub>2</sub>     H2SO4

H<sub>2</sub>O                                H2O



<Sup< Element का पूरा नाम Suprescript है. इससे Text को Suprescript किया जाता है.

The Full Name Of <Sup< Element Is Suprescript. With This The Text Is Superscripted.


(A+B)<sup>2</sup>= A<sup>2</sup>+B<sup>2</sup>




<U> Element का पूरा नाम Underline होता है. इस Element से Text को Underline किया जाता है. मतलब Text के नीचे एक Line आ जाती है.

The Full Name Of <U> Element Is Underline. Text Is Underlined From This Element. Meaning A Line Comes Under The Text.

<U>AD Computer Education</U>

AD Computer Campus

HTML Formatting Tag in Hindi and English Reviewed by ADcomputercampus on June 24, 2022 Rating: 5

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